Responsibility for content:
Helar Roto-Pizza of Trafojer Helmut
Zona Artigianale Ganda 3 - 39052 Caldaro (BZ)
Phone +39 335 616 95 41 -
VAT-no.: 01394810210
Graphics & Design:
Sonya Tschager - Grafic & Communication -
Programming: - web agency -
All information and statements found within these webpages carry no obligation. Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut offers no guarantee regarding the accurancy and integrity of their content. No liability or assurance of any product features will be assumed. The content of the webpages cannot provide the basis for any legal claim. Errors in content will be immediately rectified upon the host being made aware of them. The content of the webpages cannot always and permanently be current, due to the temporary delay involved in updating. Therefore, please do not hesitate to consult us in regard to the conditions, technical details and availability of any of the products listed or the supply of services. External links to other websites will not be constantly controlled, and therefore we cannot not assume any responsability for the content of linked pages.
Downloading of Data and Software
Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut does not assume any guarantee for the accuracy of data and software that may be downloaded from these webpages. The software will be checked by Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut through virus detection software. However we also suggest users to check all data and software after having downloaded them, in each case using the most up-to–date virus search software.
Intellectual Property Rights and Other Exclusive Property Rights
The content of these webpages is protected in accordance with intellectual property rights standards. A copy containing the information therein is allowed to be saved on only one computer, which must be of internal personal and non-commercial use. Any graphics, words, logos, or pictures are allowed to be downloaded, copied, duplicated, reproduced, changed, published, shipped, transmitted or otherwise used only when written authorisation has been granted by the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut. Be advised that the product or company names mentioned within may be incoporated trademarks or brands, and therefore their unauthorised use may lead to demands for compensation or legal injunction.
The Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut is not liable for any damages, in particular regarding immediate or collateral subsequent damages, data loss, loss of profit, loss of productivity or system failure, that may result from the use of these webpages or the downloading of data from them. In the case of a deliberate act or gross negligence regarding the use of webpages or downloaded data, the exclusion of liability does not apply. The privity of contract between you as a user and the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut that results from the use of the internet pages is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the case of any legal disputes with registered traders that may result from the use of these webpages, the court of jurisdiction is the registered office of the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut.
The Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut will save your data on particularly secure servers located in Germany. Access to this data is permitted only to those persons authorised by the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut and who are concerned with the relevant technical, commercial and editorial support of these servers.
Links to External Websites
The websites of the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut contain, as the case may be, links to external websites. The Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut has no influence over the editorial content of any external websites, and no influence on their operator’s will to adhere to laws governing data protection.
As a rule the websites of the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut do not contain advertising space. Otherwise, the delivery would be effected by an external AdServer. The data that is then collected in connection with the online advertisements (AdImpressions, AdKlicks) must serve exclusively for the purposes of statistical analysis and the creation of reports to be delivered to advertising clients. In doing so, no individual-related data will be used.
Within the delivery of an advertisement, it can occur that cookies will be adopted without the Helar Roto-Pizza / Trafojer Helmut having any influence over this.